Friday, November 8, 2013

Release of Call of Duty: Ghosts 2013

Only one day passed after the release of Call of Duty: Ghosts and guys have already earned $1 billion. Any Hollywood blockbuster have not even dreamed of such success!

We should admit the indisputable professionalism and talent of developer team that capable to make a masterpiece after masterpiece, every time, that gives people an incredible feeling of a fight, being as a professional soldier from elite special forces.

However, the game completely opens all its brilliance in a multiplayer mode, where the team's success is largely depends on the coordination quality of team’s activities.

Use a MyTeamVoice voice chat and become a truly professional team

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#DoC #CallofDuty #mmorpg

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

MyTeamVoice 0.3.9

We are steadily pushing forward our professional service to the ideal, achieving better quality and comfort of use.

Among all other things our efforts were aimed on improving mute other users function, both for yourself and for all users of the voice server and updating work of functions of window with room tree.

More details about update MyTeamVoice 0.3.9 is available here:

You can always suggest improvements, report bugs or leave a review on our support site:

#MyteamVoice #voicechat #voiceservice #groupchat #groupcommunication

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sometimes comes a moment...

We are constantly improving quality and functionality of our service, even in invisible little things, we are making our voice service better in every update.

Try the new MyTeamVoice 0.3.9.

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