Friday, November 28, 2014

How computer games contribute to economic development?

The United States is a great example how games positively impact to the economy, where the growth in the gaming industry is four times higher than the growth of the national economy, ie the game economy is not growing it is rapidly flies up.

These economic indicators were noted during the study, which was conducted by the Association game companies ESA (Entertainment Software Association). From 2009 to 2013 the annual growth of the gaming market was 9.7%, while US growth just for 2.4%.

ESA experts believe that game industry of United States in 2013 directly provided more than 42 thousand jobs, about 80% of them are accounted for seven states: California, Texas, Washington, New York, Massachusetts, Florida and Illinois. The median income for a person who is "busy" in the industry amounted to almost 95 thousand dollars a year (excluding taxes).

So the games are not just cool and fun, but they give a real benefit to the economy of the country! And of course this growth influences whole gaming industry from games themselves to related businesses which provide gamers with everything they need (computers, consoles, peripherals, etc.). And if you remember that thousands game developers who spend their money every day, you can imagine how they support other parts of the economy.

How can we stand apart and not support games industry, which is such a useful thing in all aspects. Multiplayer and cooperative games have become a main engine of modern game industry, the players need constantly communicate while playing. The MyTeamVoice will help them to organize their communication basing on the principles of modern special forces.

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