Monday, October 27, 2014

In the near future PC games will be used in scientific research

A curious fact was discovered not so long ago. Almost any kind of computer games can provide substantial support to science.

There are ideas about the development of online laboratories, in which the information obtained as a result of tests and studies can be evaluated by usual gamers. Probably it will help to avoid a lot of errors and frauds of the results in scientific experiments.

By the way as a support of this original theory some biologists give as an example an online laboratory which they have created for the study of the RNA. More than 150 volunteers. were involved in their experiment and they eventually spent about 2 million hours on this work. Each preliminary result of a scientific experiment was in focus of hundreds eyes pairs of doctors and researchers. Everything was done completely openly and with no attempt to hide something.

This form of research puts scientists in the rigid frames and does not give them an opportunity to correct and adjust the results, because we all know that professionals are always tempted to bring only that data they are comfortable in the end result. And experts believe that those situations can be excluded due to computer games.

Many outstanding discoveries were made in close communication between scientists and researchers. When the researches move to online games, everyone would be forced to use voice communication. In this case voice chats, which are specially designed for a group voice communication over the network could seriously help in future research negotiations. Hope our voice chat would take part in such creative process.

Monday, October 13, 2014

How computer games can help in teaching

Could anyone 5 years ago imagine that you can learn while playing? Today many parents and just adult still think that video games are only a waste of time but in reality it is not so.

Games for business. Who could imagine? Not too long ago big corporations began to developing computer games for business which can evaluate the effectiveness of solutions and shape the future of a fictional company based on taken decisions. This games are so thought over, that the CEO may draw conclusions: can the player lead the company to a financial collapse or a to a brighter future. All the result depends on the executive and it is player. Probably very soon even the interviews will take place at a computer desk with usage of some game simulators!

Now you also can pass tests on a perfect score just by playing on PC! Isn't it the best dream for any student? As addition to training programs and retain of the material it's guaranteed quicken the learning process for any specialization because PC games can help to learn the course material better than theory lessons. Today these game-programs are used in a number of economic institutions and many student competitions and Olympiads were conducted on their basis.

In addition almost every MMO game can help to improve level of English or another foreign language. The players often text to each other and communicate in English, may be not always in a correct form but it is still English. And who have said that it is bad to know the dialect words and abbreviations? In English-speaking countries it will definitely help people a lot. Well if you have desire to learn any other language there are a bunch of games, which are aimed directly at foreign language. These games helps you easily to remember words, expressions, as well as take tests and it is better than waste your time in social networks surfing other people photos, so just try it!

And there are games that will help you to improve the knowledge of a geography and a history. For example a variety of online games will test your knowledge of geography, where you have a point on the map and you have to guess the country or the flag or you have the country and you must remember the capital, or you have the famous attractions and you should choose the city in which they are located. Also there are games for grown ups, where history and geography will help you to win. For example, strategic games which repeat a particular period of the history where player’s freedom of actions are limited in order to preserve the historical authenticity. So they can be called an interactive tutorial of the history.

The games will help you easier to converge and establish communication with complete strangers. Simplicity and naturalness communications makes people more human, removes complexes and other communication problems. We in MyTeamVoice invite you all to communicate more freely and by natural voice!